How Do I Manage Name Change Requests?

Sometimes, mistakes happen and the wrong name ends up on a credential. Othertimes people are trying to fraudulently change the name. As the Issuer it's your responsibility to review all name change requests.

Receiving a Name Change Request

Recipients have the ability to 'Request a Name Change' through their credential view. If the name change they request is only one or two letters different from the original, a small typo, the system will automatically approve the request and send your 'General Contact' a notification email to let you know.

If the name they wish to update to is significantly different from the original, then the request will be sent to you, the issuer, for approval.

Important Note: Accredible will only automatically approve a small typo once. If the recipient tries to make numerous small changes to change the whole name incrementally, a full Name Change Request will be sent to you.  

By Email

Your Support Contact will receive an email alerting them to the pending name change request. 

Screenshot 2019-09-19 at 13.41.04

If a Support Contact is not provided, your General Contact will receive these emails instead. For information on how to assign a General and Support Contact click here.

On the Dashboard

You will be notified of pending name change requests on your Accredible Dashboard.

On the Main Page:

On the Credential View:

What Do I Do With a Request?

To maintain the integrity of your certification program, you should not approve any name changes that you do not have sufficient evidence for. 

Common reasons for requesting a name change include:

  • A correcting a mistake in the name
  • Updating to a married name
  • Changing nationality name
  • The name of the course payee has appeared instead of the actual student

We highly recommend that, if you do not have sufficient reason to believe that the request is genuine, contact the recipient directly and ask them to provide further evidence to support their request.

Approve the Request

If you have sufficient evidence to approve the request, either:

  • Click the 'Approve' button in the email you received from our system, or
  • Click on 'Review Name Change Requests' on the Accredible Dashboard (as indicated in the images above), check the box of the credential you wish to approve, and click the 'Approve' button.

We will notify the recipient that their name change has been successful, updating both your records and the recipient's certificate.

Deny the Request

If the recipient cannot provide enough reasonable evidence to support their request, you must deny the request to prevent name-switching amongst certificate recipients and keep credibility high. 

  • Click the 'Deny' button in the email you received from our system, or
  • Click on 'Review Name Change Requests' on the Accredible Dashboard (as indicated in the images above), check the box of the credential you wish to deny, and click the 'Deny' button.

We will notify the recipient that their name change request has been denied.

If the recipient contacts us after having their request denied, we will liaise with you to help determine if the student is making a legitimate request for a name change.

If the request is for a name change on a credential wallet, the recipient will have to make the change via the Credential Wallet Settings.

Can Accredible Approve Name Change Requests for Me?

Under GDPR regulations, Accredible is classed as a Data Processor. This means that while we are allowed to handle data related to your recipients and their credentials, we cannot alter or delete any of this data. 

For this reason, we are not allowed to approve Name Change Requests on your behalf.

I've Accidentally Approved/Denied a Request.

If you have wrongly approved or denied a name change request, you can navigate to and edit the credential by following the instructions here: How Do I Edit a Recipient's Credential?

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