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  2. Integrate with Accredible

Can Accredible Customer Support Help Me with My Integration?

At Accredible Customer Support, we are limited in the advice we can give regarding integrations.

What We Can and Can't Offer

As specialists in the Accredible product, our Customer Support team cannot provide extensive advice or guidance regarding other products such as Zapier, Canvas, and Moodle. This includes integration setup and troubleshooting with these products.

If you are experiencing an issue with an integration, write to us at support@accredible.com. If the problem is stemming from the Accredible product, then we can help. If the problem isn't emanating from Accredible, we can check our side of the integration to be sure and help you zero in on what the problem might be elsewhere.

Integration Consultation

We can offer an integration consultation. However, because this requires one-to-one assistance from one of our developers, this is a premium service.

If you would like to enquire about an integration consultation with one of our developers, let us know at support@accredible.com

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