How Do I Format the Text on a Credential Design?

You can easily format the text within the design so that it matches your brand colors or font.

Formatting Text

  1. Open the credential design that you would like to edit the text format for
  2. Select a text element, when you do so, you will see that new options appear in the toolbar above
  3. Using these, you can do things like changing the color, change the font, change the size, center the text, and other useful formatting tools

Remember, you can also edit the text appearance of the attributes so that when they populate with the relevant information, they will appear in the size and style you want.

Text Scaling

Some of your recipients or courses may have very long names and risk running outside of their text box and overlapping other information on your certificate. Make sure to enable 'Text Scaling' on these attributes. No matter how long the name is, it will be re-sized to fit inside the textbox boundaries.

1. Select the textbox you wish to text scale.

2. Click the 'Size' button at the top of the designer.

3. In the tool that appears, under Auto-Scaling, check the box that says 'Enable text scaling.'

Changing the Date Format

If you would like to change the format of the dates that appear on your certificate designs, here is how you can achieve that.

  1. Open the certificate design you would like to change the date format for.
  2. Click on the date attribute you would like to change.
  3. In the certificate design toolbar, the option 'Custom date format' will appear.
  4. Click on 'Custom date format,' then select the format you would like to use from the drop-down menu.
  5. Remember to click 'Save and Close' on your design to apply any changes you've made.

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