How Do I Setup an Integration with Zoom?

Save time issuing Credentials to Zoom meeting attendees with this Accredible/Zoom plugin. This article will explain how.

Installing Zoom Plugin

Accessing Zoom Plugin

Configure and Manage Issuance

Configure a Future Event

Manage a Past Event

Uninstalling App


Important Note: You will need a paid Zoom account to use this integration. 

Installing Zoom Plugin

  1. Select 'Integrations' from the menu at the top of your ACMS dashboard.
  2. Input 'Zoom' into the 'Search for integrations' search bar.
  3. Click on 'View Details' on the Zoom Item.
  4. Click on 'Install".
  5. After 'Install' there will be a popup asking to authorize Accredible to access Zoom. 


Accessing Zoom Plugin

Once authorized, the button on the Zoom Integration page will change to "Credential Issuance" and clicking the button will launch the integration.

Configure and Manage Issuance

Important Note: You must have account-level Zoom admin permissions so that you can select various Meeting or Webinar hosts and configure issuance settings.

Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 11.28.47 AM

Once Launched, you will need to choose the type of Events to display, either Meetings or Webinars. Then select a Host to see their list of Events. 

After selecting the host, you can view a list of past and future Events. The far right column will show 'Manage' when the Event is past or 'Configure' when the Event is upcoming. 

Configure a Future Event

Select 'Configure' on the Meeting or Webinar you would like to add a Credential.

Auto Issuance settings will then be displayed, as shown in the example on the right.

Select a group to be added and then the criteria. The first choice will be manual, and the other two choices will be automatic.

When Selecting the auto issuance options, credentials will be automatically issued to participant email addresses when the meeting ends.



Manage a Past Event

Select 'Manage' on the Meeting or Webinar you would like to add a Credential.

You will then see a list of participants along with how long they were in the event and if they have been issued a Credential. You can bulk issue by selecting multiple participants or issue Credentials individually. 


Important Note: You can only issue credentials to non-recurring Meetings and Webinars.

Un-Installing Zoom Plugin

  1. Navigate to your Zoom App Marketplace > Installed Apps.
  2. Click Uninstall. 

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