How to Set Up Scheduled Issuing on Salesforce

We've established the integration. Now it's time to set up a schedule for when Accredible creates credentials using data from Salesforce.

Important: If you haven't set up the integration between Salesforce and Accredible yet, please see our article How Do I Set Up an Integration with Salesforce and Accredible? before proceeding.

Sub Flow Setup
Main Flow Setup

Auto-Issuance Flow Setup


Sub Flow Setup

Note: If you don’t wish to update the Object with the URL of the issued credential, it is not necessary to add the new Subflow element.

  1. Visit “Setup > search for “Flows” and open “Accredible Subflow (TEMPLATE) V1“
  2. Edit the element “Update Records with URL“. → Click “Edit Element”
  3. Update Records of This Object Type:

    Object = The table within Salesforce that you wish to pull your contact records from. It has to be the same as the main Flows that reference the sub Flow.

    Filter Contact Records

    No need to edit.

    Set Field Values for the Records

    Specify the Object field to assign the generated Credential URL to. In the screenshot on the right, the custom field “Accredible_URL__c” is selected as an example.


  4. Save it as a new subflow.

Note: Since the provided sub flow is a template, you cannot update it but only clone it. (“Save As”)

5. Once saved as a copy, click “Activate” to activate the subflow.

Main Flow Setup

  1. Return to “Flows” window, or Visit “Setup > Search “Flows” and open “Accredible Mainflow (TEMPLATE) V1“

  2. Click “Edit” to edit the Flow start.
  3. Configure the “Object” & “Conditions”.

    Object = The table within Salesforce that you wish to pull your contact records from.

    Conditions = Do you wish to issue to every single record, or just records with certain conditions? This is where you choose the condition requirements for issuance.

    Click Edit for Flow Starts and Frequency to align the flow with when and how often you want to issue credentials to qualified contacts. For instance: if you wish to issue credentials to newly qualified contacts every day at mid-day, set the Flow Start to today's date, the time to 12:00, and the frequency to 'Daily'.

    If you wish to issue more frequently than daily, you can duplicate the
    Accredible Scheduled Issue Credential MODIFY BEFORE USE  template and configure each flow to start at different times of the day.

    Note: If you select “A record is updated” in Configure Trigger, you must select “Only when a record is updated to meet the condition requirements“ in the following section “When to Run the Flow for Updated Records”. Otherwise, you will not be able to save the flow.

     4. The Apex Action called “POST Credentials” is where you will do your data field mapping.

    5. Do not edit the text within flowId

     flowId = {!$Flow.InterviewStartTime

    groupID This can be hard coded, OR, you can pull this value from a field within your table object.

    The rest of the fields can be configured to pull data from any field in your table object.

    customAttributes expects a JSON object literal value.


    6. Delete the default Subflow element that references the template subflow and replace it with an actual subflow reference. (Note: If you don’t wish to update the Object with the URL of the issued credential, it is not necessary to add the new Subflow element)

    7. After deleting the default element, click “+“ right after the POST Credentials action and search for “Subflow“.

    8. Select a subflow that you want to link with the main flow.

    9. Fill out Label and API Name and select {!POST_Credentials.recipientRecordId} and {!POST_Credentials.responseURL} for recipientRecordId and responseURL in “Set Input Values“ respectively.

    10. Save it as a new flow. {Note: Since the provided main flow is also a template, users cannot update it but only clone it. (“Save As”))

    Click “Activate” to activate the flow (when you want to start using the flow.) This flow can be saved and can be activated at a later time if the issuer wishes to activate it on a certain date/time

That's it! You can now issue Accredible Credentials through Salesforce.

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