Issuer FAQs

Here is a list of our most popular articles for issuers for creating, publishing, and verifying digital credentials.

What is Blockchain Verification?

How Do I Create Credentials?

How Do I Verify a Credential?

How Do I Verify a Digital Badge?

Recommended Certificate Background Image Sizes

How Do I Create a Certificate Design?

How Do I Login to Accredible is an Issuer?

A Guide to Attributes

Delete My Accredible Account and Its Data

How Much Does Accredible Cost?

How Do I Create A Group?

Here are some more quick answers to frequently asked questions:

What time zone does Accredible use for the issue and expiry dates on credentials?

Accredible uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Can I pay for a Lite subscription with one yearly payment?

Unfortunately, we are not currently able to take one-off annual payments for Lite subscriptions. The only payment method available for Lite subscriptions is automatic monthly payments via credit card.

How can I check how many credits I have remaining on my Accredible account?

You can find the total number of credits you have remaining on your account on the Billing page.

I've updated information on a recipient's certificate, but when they try to download a PDF of the new certificate, the old version of the certificate appears. Why is this happening?

The internet browser's cache is causing this problem. When your recipient clicks 'Download PDF' now, their browser chooses to re-download the version of the PDF saved in its cache before changes to the certificate were made, instead of properly downloading the new version of the certificate.
This can easily be fixed: Your recipients will need to go to their internet browser's settings and empty their image and PDF cache. When the recipient next downloads the PDF, it will appear correctly. If, after clearing the cache, the recipient is still failing to see an updated version of their PDF download, please contact

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