How Do I Announce a Partner Promotion?

Congratulations! You've delivered certificates or badges to your recipients and are ready to officially announce your partnership with Accredible.

The following is the blueprint for a highly effective, coordinated launch with Accredible. These are the best strategies developed from our experience with customers of all sizes. 

How Accredible will Promote You

  1. We'll write and promote a dedicated Launch post to announce your adoption of Accredible.
  2. We'll add you to our customers' page.
  3. We'll announce the partnership through social campaigns on Twitter, Facebook, etc.
  4. We'll link back to your website any time we mention you on our website.

How Should You Promote the Partnership?

  1. Announce the partnership.
  2. Add a page to your website to describe the benefits for your users.

How to Announce the Partnership

The goal of the announcement is to ensure that we promote your brand, show the world that you're securing your credentials and that you're making use of the best technology. It's important to communicate the benefits to your users to be familiar with your digital certificates and badges. The best channels vary by partner but, we’ve seen the most success with blog posts, in-app announcements, email announcements, newsletters, social campaigns, onboarding emails, and more. Here are some ideas and examples to get you started:

  • Blog post.
  • Email and/or newsletter announcement.
  • In-app announcement.
  • Social Media Campaigns.
  • Add a digital certificates & badge page to your help desk.
  • Other promotions: press releases, news stories, promotional campaigns with partners, and onboarding emails.

Adding the page to your Website

Communicating to your users and third parties that your using digital certificates, open badges, or Blockchain credentials ensures that everyone understands the value.

  • Make a new public page on your website.
  • Copy and edit the content from our Overview and Partnership Information pages describing the benefits to your recipients. Feel free to use any images or wording that will resonate with your recipients and conforms to your organization's messaging.
  • Email to let us know that you've set the page up, and we'll 'like' it.

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