Thinkific Integration FAQ's

Here is a list of the most common questions about the Thinkific - Accredible integration, and the answers you need.

How do I install the Accredble app in Thinkific?
How do I link Accredible credentials to specific Thinkific courses?
Can I use the same credential design for multiple courses on Thinkific?
Can I use the same Accredible API key for multiple Thinkific sites?
How many credential designs can I create?
There has been an error! How do I fix this?
Can I add the Accredible course item after recipients have taken the course?

How do I install the Accredble app in Thinkific? 

For information on how to install the Accredible app in Thinkific, check out our article here: How Do I Setup the Thinkific Integration with Accredible?

How do I link Accredible credentials to specific Thinkific courses?

For information on how to link Thinkific courses to credential designs you have created, we recommend reading this section of our setup guide: Enabling Accredible Credentials for a Thinkific Course

Can I use the same credential design for multiple courses on Thinkific?

Sure thing! If you are looking to use the same credential design for multiple groups, you can do that directly in the Accredible platform: Using Designs for Multiple Groups

If you're looking to issue the same credential in Accredible from multiple different courses in Thinkific, you can do that as well. Just assign the relevant Accredible group in your Thinkific course's settings: Enabling Accredible Credentials for a Thinkific Course

Can I use the same Accredible API key for multiple Thinkific sites?

Yes, you can! If you have more than one Thinkific site, your Accredible account API key can be used for all of them. You don't need an Accredible account for each of your Thinkific instances.

How many credential designs can I create?

There is no limit to the number of credential designs you can create and use on Accredible. The number of designs you have in your Accredible account does not affect your account's pricing.

There has been an error! How do I fix this?

Oh no, an error has occurred! Rest assured that most errors that you or your students receive can be resolved. View our Thinkific Error Troubleshooting article to see if the error you are experiencing has been documented. If not, please contact our support team at so we can investigate the error for you.

Can I add the Accredible course item after recipients have taken the course?

No. If a student completed your course before you assigned a certificate, they will not see the get my certificate option. Certificates will only be issued to students who complete 100% of the course following the addition of the Accredible item. 

If you need to issue certificates to students who completed your course before you set up certificates, we would suggest creating a new private course in Thinkific with a single lesson connected to an Accredible certificate. You can then manually enroll students in this course to generate a certificate as needed.

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