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Understanding Your Analytics Overview Page

This article will help you understand the overview page on your Insights Dashboard.

Overview Page

Department Stats

Groups The number of Accredible groups you have created in the selected department.
Credential Owners The number of unique credential owners across all groups in the selected department. If you issue to the same recipient (identified by their email address) in two different groups, they will be counted as 1 unique credential owner.
Certificate Designs The number of certificate designs, both in use. and not in use, in the selected department.
Badge Designs The number of badge designs, both in use and not in use, in the selected department.
Team Members The number of team members, including admins, across your organization. 

Recipient Activity Summary

This graph is a snapshot of your activity summary page. Navigate to Recipient Activity to read more about these statistics. 

Prior to Feb 3, 2022, this graph was called "Growth Summary". It was renamed to align with the intended data. For more details about changes that occurred on Feb 3, 2022, navigate to  Logic Rollback - February 3, 2022.

Credits Used

This represents the number of issuance credits you have used and how many you have left. Issuance credits are deducted based on unique recipients, meaning you can issue to the same email address multiple times and this will only count as 1 issuance credit.

Top 5 Influencers

An influencer is a recipient of one of your credentials who has shared that credential on a social media platform and received a high amount of engagement.

This information can be leveraged to find ways to engage with the individuals who are providing your program with the most organic market reach. 

Check out our Influencers Page for more details about this data.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Influencers is a Premium Feature.


Check out our other articles on Analytics below:

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