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Understanding Your Recipient Activity Page

This article will help you understand your recipient activity page on your Insights Dashboard.

Recipient Activity Page

Our new user interface enhancements give you easier access to your data and more time-based views to envision your program's success.

Recipient Activity - Traditional Display

Recipient Activity - New Display

Recipient Activity

Credentials Issued


The number of total credentials issued in the selected department.  The default view is all groups, all time.  Credentials Issued results will change if you select only specific groups or narrow your time period. 

Using this data:

To measure any program's success, you need a baseline of how many credentials you issued by your department, group, or time period.  


1) If I issue 2 different credentials (in 2 different groups) to the same person, does this count as 2?


Recipient Activity - Credentials Issued

Credentials Opened


A number of total unique credentials opened by the owner in the selected department.

Important Notes:
    • We know they are the owner by checking their 'logged in' status.
    • We only count each credential once.
    • We are only looking at credentials that were issued in the selected time frame.

Using this data:

After seeing how many credentials you issued, look next to see who opened their awarded credentials.  This is your first indication of how your participants value validation of their marketable skills or program membership.


1) If the same credential is opened twice by the owner, does that count as 2?

No, it is counted as 1.

2) If 2 different credentials are opened once each by the owner, does that count as 2?


3) If someone who is not the owner has opened the credential, does that count as 1?


4) In what cases are people not logged in?

  • If an issuer shared the credential link in public or in a course group, users may view the credential when they open the link.  However, if the owner has not yet viewed the credential, it will count as opened. 
  • Some issuers use Accredible's API and embed the credential into their experience.  Credentials opened by the recipient will not count in this case. 

Recipient Activity -Credentials Opened

Total Unique Credential Views (Previously: Total Credential Views)


The number of total unique credentials opened by anyone in the selected department.

Using this data:

With this metric, we expand beyond the owner viewing the credential and report on any unique views.  That way you see all of the attention that a credential receives whether it's from the owner, or someone else.  

Important Notes:

    • We only count each credential once.
    • We are only looking at credentials that were issued in the selected time frame.
    • We capture this by looking at how many people landed on the specific credential.net URL


1) If the same credential is opened twice by anyone, does that count as 2? 

No, just 1.

2) If 2 different credentials are opened once each by anyone, does that count as 2? 


3) If the owner and a non-owner have each viewed the same credential, how many does that count as?


Recipient Activity - Total Unique Credential Views

Total Shares by Anyone (Previously: Total Shares by Users)


The total number of shares received by all credentials in the selected department.

Important Notes:

    • We are only looking at credentials that were issued in the selected time frame.

Using this data:

Total Shares by Anyone is a useful metric for you to understand how recipients amplify their earned credentials.  We include social media shares, adds to Linkedin profiles, and email signature requests.


1) What if someone clicked on "Share", but never finished writing their post. Does this still count?

Typically, no. We capture this event from the social media platform, not the click event on the credential page. However, in some cases, LinkedIn shares are captured by us and counted event if the user did not finish writing their post.

2) What if the same person shares the same credential twice, does that count as 2?


3) What if the owner shares the credential once on LinkedIn, then someone else re-shares it on LinkedIn, does that count as 2?


Recipient Activity - Total Shares by Anyone

Enhanced Filtering

  • Filter by groups:  You can now see and choose one or more groups easily with our new multi-select filters.  Watch your top-line numbers change as you narrow or broaden your data to your desired groups.
  • Filter by time period:  You can select your data for one of the new default periods (see below), or customize your date range altogether.  You can also see your top-line numbers change as you zoom in on your desired date range:
    • All Time
    • Last 7 Days
    • Last 30 Days
    • Choose a Custom Range

Flexible Visualization

  • Visualize chart activity over time:  You can view any combination of credentials issued, unique views, and shares by anyone presented visually in your activity chart.  Use the left and right-hand arrows below the chart to extend your date-based view.
  • Variable chart presentation:  You can compress your data to display performance over multiple years or focus on day-to-day results.  It's your choice.  Now you can chart your results in daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual increments.

Insightful Context

Recipient Activity exposes patterns that can help you understand and leverage your credential program.  Understanding the nuances of your data can help inform your go-to-market plan.  That's why we include Knowledge Based articles in the context of your data.

Convenient PDF Export

You can filter by dates and group, and choose the time-based charting period for your data visualization reporting needs.  After you've created the optimal view, you can export your results as a PDF to share with your team.

Check out our other articles on Analytics below:

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